
Screen Prints — Large Format (view) 

In 1983, after moving to Toronto, I began printing at the Open Studio. These two prints, a Landscape and a Still Life, reflected the subject matter of screenprints done in Vancouver at the Malaspina Printmakers Workshop.

Woodblock Prints — Fight series (view)

In the Fine Art Programme at the University of Toronto, I began to work with popular hockey fight images as the basis for woodblock prints. This led to the “Fight” series of five prints. The images themselves are all titled with the descriptions that had accompanied them; A Lively Bout, A Good Clocking, etc, etc.

Screen Prints — Boat Series (view)

Over a few years I had taken lots of photos of boats and their environment at the marina in our neighbourhood. A half dozen or so of these photos were worked into studies and three became woodblock prints. At one point I wondered if the images might also have a life as screenprints. I had been taking workshops in water-based screenprinting at the Open Studio and was excited with the medium and its materials.

Continuing to work with boat images in the screenprinting medium, my goal has been to simplify and strengthen the images, accentuate the colour and hopefully make them more of a print-like image.

I also find it interesting to think of the nature of the images themselves, an object (a boat) and its distorted reflection, (its other self), in relation to the hockey fight series.